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The Stamp Specialist

ISSUE 160 - April 5, 2024 - Stamp News Online Magazine

Yesterday in Mekeel's & STAMPS:
You Might Be A "Stamp Nut" If . . .

by  John L. Leszak
(This column was written by then Mekeel's & STAMPS editor John Leszak. As one of the most popular "Editor's Albums", we run it every once in awhile, so I thought I would share it with Stamp News Online readers . . . who might also qualify as "Stamp Nuts".)

There's a time in the careers of some philatelists when their endeavors pass from casual to what some may consider to be nearly obsessive. There are many folks who embrace this hobby with so much passionate fervency and zeal that their lives revolve around philately. They literally eat, drink and sleep in a mystical philatelic realm of existence. Those who practice such extreme philatelic desires can justly embrace the righteous title of "Stamp Nut".

Stamp Nuts display their philatelic enthusiasm with great flourish. They reach that status when their enthusiasm for the hobby . . .

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